A New Way to Experience Music
SolidDrive's revolutionary technology changes what's possible in home audio. Rather than just adding speakers to a room, SolidDrive transforms that room, making use of common household materials. With SolidDrive, sound radiates from a large surface area, blanketing a room with smooth, even audio throughout.
Heard but Not Seen
The system itself is entirely invisible, with drives mounted behind cabinets, under tables, in ceilings, or behind walls. Unlike a conventional in-wall speaker, no grille gives away its position. The only evidence it's there is in the dazzling sound filling the room.
Amazing Audio with Nothing Visible
Imagine your home filled with high-fidelity sound, without the loud and soft variations caused by traditional speakers. Imagine one big "sweet spot" that encompasses your entire listening area. Imagine it without wires, bulky speaker cabinets, or exposed grilles. Imagine your home with SolidDrive.
Delivering Sound to any room with no visible speakers or wiring
SolidDrive's revolutionary technology changes what's possible in home audio.
Sound Without Speakers®
Solid Drive® is the solution for invisible sound, providing a hidden sound source for in-wall, in-ceiling, surface mount, and glass applications.
Produce sound through most solid surfaces with our patented SolidDrive technology. Choose from a range of drives to fit your specific needs. |
Power up the subwoofer or multiple subwoofers of the same model. Amplifiers and Passive Equalization Modules also available. |